Schlyce Mitchell LAT, ATC
Athletic Trainer at McCluer North High School
Joined Athleticare: August 2018
Hometown: Waco, TX
Contact Information:

Schlyce Mitchell was born and raised in Waco, TX – yes from the show “Fixer Upper.” During her junior and senior year of high school, Schlyce was involved in the all girls’ athletic training program at Waco High School. She was able to develop an understanding of the athletic training profession on a deeper level, grasping her interest. After graduating from Waco High School, Schlyce decided to attend Texas State University in San Marcos, TX to pursue a degree in Athletic Training. While at Texas State, she had the opportunity to work with softball, baseball, football, and men’s basketball teams, as well as a local high school. Schlyce is grateful for the numerous students and staff members at Texas State that have had impacted her life during her journey at Texas State. In May of 2018, she graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Athletic Training. Schlyce is currently the Head Athletic Trainer at McCluer North High School located in Florissant, MO. In addition to working at McCluer North, she is also a pursuing a Master of Science degree in Applied Exercise Science with an emphasis on Strength and Conditioning from Concordia University-Chicago. In her first year as a certified athletic trainer, she is most excited about being on her own and showing herself what she is truly made of. As a first year fellow with Athleticare Sports Health Foundation, she has had the opportunity to work with an amazing set of administration, coaches, as well as athletes. She hopes to help continue the Athleticare legacy and showcase what it means to give back by becoming a role model for the younger generations. Upon completion of the fellowship program, Schlyce would love to work in a non-traditional setting for athletic training, specifically the Military.
In her spare time, Schlyce enjoys all things fashion and beauty, as well as being social with her friends and family.