Athleticare Sports Health Foundation, Inc. is excited to welcome you to Experience Sports Medicine, a workshop for high school students interested in a career in the fields of athletic training and sports medicine.
The curriculum is designed to expose students to many facets of the athletic training profession and other sports medicine careers. Students will engage in interactive lectures, laboratory experiences on musculoskeletal anatomy, prevention and care of sports injuries, rehabilitation, and emergency medical procedures. The curriculum will be presented by certified athletic trainers and other professionals working in the sports medicine field. Other highlights of the workshop include visits to various sports medicine facilities and presentations from local athletic training education programs faculty. A polo shirt will be provided to all attendees to be worn on our local sports medicine facilities trip. Snacks, drinks, and lunch will be provided daily. At the end of the workshop, a scholarship will be awarded to the most deserving attending to help them in their pursuit of a career in sports medicine. The program is offered to high school students at no cost.